Monday, October 8, 2012

Junk Finds: Chairs and Bookcase

I promised I'd share my Junk Jamboree finds from two weekends ago. Here are the furniture pieces that came home with me, two school chairs a little red and blue bookcase.

I'd been looking for some metal and wood laminate school chairs for some time. I even found some at Kudzu in Decatur, Georgia this summer while shopping with my sister. But at $79 a pop, I passed. These were $16. Yeay!

They are already in use in the twins' room, at their built-in desk, which I wrote about in a previous post:

I still need to paint and trim the end of the desk. 
The bookcase is also for the twins' bedroom. I'm not sure it's really all that vintage, and is pretty dinged up. However, it is exactly the right size, and the paint, while beyond distressed and verging into "wrecked," fits the colors in the room. Until I decide what I want to do with it to clean it up, it works, and it's not like the boys can do anything worse to it. 

The boys have been asking for a nightstand to replace this "baby-ish" (their word) piece, made to look like Side Table Drawer from the preschool TV show Blue's Clues: 

I think the little shelf needs a small-sized vintage globe, a piggy bank, an alarm clock, and a stack of story books when it takes its place between the two beds: 

I have a few other things to share from Junk Jamboree. Stay tuned on those! 

I'm also back from my trip to Arkansas. I'll update with a post when I've had time to sort through photos and reflect on the journey. Oh, and sleep off some major road wearies. As much as I love road trips, I don't much love driving. Crazy, isn't it? 


  1. Love the chairs! I have a weakness for chairs. These are too cute. And also loved the memory jolt from Side Table Drawer. It's been a long time since Blue's Clues played around here!

    1. I am also a chair "adopter" and admit to (probably, maybe) having too many around here. As for Side Table Drawer, I'm terribly sentimental about her. The boys are anxious to have her put in storage, and I'm feeling almost teary about it. As tired as I was of Steve and Joe at one time, this is hard to believe!
