Tuesday, May 13, 2014

An Ode to Spring, Violas, New Mowers and Trash Bags (In That Order)

It's been a little nuts around here. So what else is new? But it seems like I posted last week, and it's now a month ago. Sorry about that....I was....um. I know it involved appointments and pots of spaghetti and some other....things. 

Spring finally arrived here, and while it's been a bit windy, cold, wet, and squishy, we're just glad the snow is gone and that we can enjoy sights like the miniature daffies, above, that I planted last fall. Squirrels got some of them, but they left enough for me to enjoy. 

The school year is taking it's damn sweet time getting done ---oops, sorry. Did I say that OUT LOUD?!---We're out of pencils and glue sticks and patience with fractions. As a parent, I'm sorta over it. I know that's not politically correct, but there you have it: sick of school, and I'm not even the student. 

We've also been busy with a lot of happy firsts: 

Ben's first orchestra concert (he plays viola)....

And Grant moved home after completing his first year of college. That involved a lot of box schlepping and then a lot of laundry. Aged dirty rugby kneesocks. It's an aroma, I am telling you. 

Most of the news around the house lately has been on the garden front. I purchased a new lawnmower. Get this: It doesn't have a motor. 

It's a reel mower. I decided that with a small city lot, the intention to convert even more turf to perennial and vegetable gardens, and the hatred of the noisy and smelly aspects of mowing, I could see if a non-motor mower would fit my needs. So far, it seems to be. The best part? Being able to hear birds sing while I cut the grass. 

I did say this blog post was an ode to trash bags. Those big contractor-size stretchy ones. I've been filling a lot of them lately. With clothes to donate, and yard waste. Spring cleaning is such a great feeling, isn't it? Inside and out? 

Seriously. You see trashbags filled with cedar clippings. I see a thing of beauty. Sigh. 

In bonus news, one of the first things my oldest son did after sleeping off his final exam stress was this: 

It is a bit small and I may extend the length by another brick or two; I apparently couldn't count bricks at the hardware store. It's also a little wonky in relation to the property line (up the right hand side of it), and I may straighten it just a bit so my symmetry OCD doesn't drive me crazy. It's going to hold our tomato plants this year. 

I'm also working up a calendar that plots every weekend, and a list of things to do to the exterior of the house, including dusting off the paint brushes and getting back to work on the siding. 

How's your spring? What have you got in the works? 


  1. Oh, I missed this when you posted it. Says something about my spring. Yes, we are all over school, too--and I'm not just a parent, but a teacherish person. In the works, I got nuthin. But I do have a bowl full of audacious peonies sitting beside me, a yard full of birds chirping, a cup of tea, and a Saturday stretching before me. I think I'm glad I got nuthin. :-) Good to hear from you again.

    1. Good to hear from you too. I'm trying to get caught up on my blog reading too. I'll be glad when you're back at it! (no rush, or course. I know how it is!)
