Friday, July 12, 2019

I am back.

Or rather, I never left.

I've always been here, but for a while there life took me so swiftly down the road, both in good ways and hard ways, that it was difficult for me to stop and reflect, and blogging fell way down the priority list.

The blog became somewhat of a conundrum. I missed it terribly; but the more I missed it, the more I worried about starting again. Fearing what I want has always been a good way for me to prolong a decision to the point of agony (and that's why I'm such fun at parties).

So. I'm sliding back into blogging with this post. Just like that, no ta-DAH! Because I don't really have much ta-DAH! in me even on the best days. But leaving this blog for so long has meant ignoring some promises that I made to people in my life, and to myself, and it's time for me to own up on the scared part so I can just maybe have the what-I-want part.

Still, to mark the occasion, I've done a few things. I've made the blog a little cleaner looking, less cluttered, and in colors I like. I designed a new header, and it's a symbolic change. I've always mentally thought of the title of this blog "On the Doorstep" as meaning the front door. The entrance. The threshold.

But my priorities in life have shifted to being about the other doorstep-- the one at the back of the house, where we really live, where the people we really love come and go. So the photo is of my backyard patio and screen porch doorstep. A deliberately not-perfect photo-- there are cans of bug spray in the window and a stack of plastic plant pots that need to be put away. Because perfect is the enemy of good, and I'd really like to concentrate more on the good than the perfect here. Here the string lights work their twinkly magic over the table that Tom build for our family, and I over-indulge my taste for potted plants and random bits of old stuff.

I will have a number of wobbly posts until I have found my stride again. I haven't quite decided whether I will try to catch reader up in what I've been up to since my last post, or whether I'll just go on from here, or whether I'll leap around like a badly written TV series. I will undoubtedly have more amateurish photos, non-regular posting schedules, and ideas that don't quite hang together. But I hope it makes for good reading, just the same. It's good to be back.


  1. You know, I would never have noticed the cans of bug spray, and I can't for the life of me find the plastic pots. What I see are the twinkly lights, and the table for gathering around, and all the green things growing. So much growing.

    I am so glad that you feel a space opening in your life for you and your writing and this blog. Hope you feel able to fill it in whatever way strikes your fancy. But also (since you mentioned fear), I thought you might find some value in this piece that another writing friend shared today: Don't be put off by the title; it's about much more than success. I hope you have all of the what-I-want parts of...well, everything.


    1. Thank you. You should know that this is the second time "The Artist's Way" has crossed my path this week. Is it astounding I've never heard of it? But I'm paying attention to the fact that's probably a sign I should be reading it, especially since you're the one being Karma's messenger. :)

    2. I used to have a copy. This essay made me want to get it again. It's basically a 12-step program for artists. (Don't be put off by that, either.) :-)

  2. I'm so glad you're back! I've spent the last couple of hours reading old posts to remind me where we left off. Hang in and know that there are folks out there who take comfort from your posts and cheer you on.
